Aiaia Aiolia Argos and Hellas Athens (city) Channel routes, Wight Cornwall, Trinakia Doulichion Egypt and Faros Eleusis Elis Faros Fenicia and Purple Fokaia Imbros Ithaka, Zakunthos, Doulichion, Same,Samos Kikones, Ismaros Kreta Kuthera |
Laistrugones Lemnos Lesbos Lotofages Messene Olumpos, Stonehenge Ogugia Pulos Samos Samothrake Scheria Sparta Stonehenge Tenedos Thebe, Kadmos, Ino Thracia Trinakia Troy Zakunthos |
2. OTHER SUBJECTS Achaians Achilleus and Murmidones
Hermes Homeros Ino
Religion in Homer Shipping Themes Odyssey Writing